Friday, January 29, 2010

Its a girl!

Well, there she is! Can you tell from the picture at the bottom that we are dealing with a girl here? Its okay, I can't either, but I am taking their word for it! You can tell from the top picture that this little girl is already beating on her mom's insides! Check out that hand reaching around the placenta to try to poke my stomach. The feet are probably trying to position next to my bladder. I'll be honest, I love feeling her in there. I feel like a kicking baby is more likely to be a healthy baby and that makes me happy. Kick away kid - you've only got a few more months left to do it from inside.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Christmas - at last!

It took me awhile, but here are some shots of Christmas. Apparently we get tired of taking pictures because we take a bunch of pictures all at once and then we stop. At least this time we got some Christmas morning pictures of Calvin. We spent Christmas in California with my parents. We were all so sick before Christmas that we were afraid we wouldn't be able to come, but we were able to head out Christmas Eve and we stayed over the weekend. We left later than we should have, but we survived the weather coming home and it was a great trip. We had lots of fun and we'll be excited to see my family again soon. You'll notice all of the things that Calvin is playing with in these pics. The only thing that was actually given to him was the train set. Grandma gets the best stuff! That grabber was especially fun. Although, I must say that those curlers were certainly a hit too!