Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Must be in the genes ...

Can you believe it? Two posts in one week! Yeah, I am pretty shocked myself. I will have to keep the camera out more often. Look at the good stuff that I can capture when it is easy to get to!
To begin with, we need to discuss the child shooting his mini crossbow at the lined up action figures. So gleeful! As far as I know he came up with this scenario all on his own. I watched him happily pull out all components and set this up and I think this was the first time (I'll have to check with Chris later on). Is it the Y-chromosome? Maybe because his Y-chromosome definitely comes from the gun-enthusiastic Lambert side? Who knows? At least he is having fun!
Now, I had to put the sleeping one up because I thought it was cute. Calvin and Chris taking a nap together on separate beds. I am thinking that Chris outgrew that blanket size some time ago, but he still looks pretty comfortable.

Finally, the train pics. Calvin was showing off his train and he helped me to take the lovely bottom picture of the train in motion. I'm glad that Calvin still loves this thing. It is pretty fun.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Calvin and I had fun this St. Patrick's day! We met our friends Melissa and Bennett and rode the train to Discovery Gateway (the children's museum) where we played with all of the fun activities there. It was a free day at the museum and things were pretty crazy! Calvin still had a lot of fun, but we will have to try it again on a less crowded day (with coupons to get us in cheaper!) Calvin loved the train ride and hanging out with his buddy Bennett for an entire day was too cool. I think the public transportation was a treat in and of itself. We'll have to do that more often.