Saturday, June 25, 2011

Happy Birthday Maddie!

Happy Birthday Maddie!
Here is one happy one year old! Maddie zoomed through this last year and she is definitely a wonderful part of our family. I feel like this year went by much quicker than it did when it was Calvin's first year. I can see why people call out to treasure these times that go by so quickly. I hope that we have because Maddie is quickly moving toward toddlerhood, and I am loving it! I love how interactive and intelligent she is, and I love that she is always on the move checking things out. The picture above shows how much she loves strawberries and getting her picture taken. We definitely have a little girl here, and with our slightly bigger little boy I think our family is pretty great. It has been a fun year with Miss Maddie joining the ranks and I look forward to many more.
We had a birthday party for Maddie with lots of strawberries and a stupendously ugly but very tasty daisy cake - a la me!
Bella and Calvin were kind enough to help Maddie open her presents. She wasn't all that interested in the process, but I think that she will enjoy what was under all of that paper!

First time at the beach

Two weeks ago we went to Southern California to attend Gommie's funeral. The event was somber, but we did have a bit of fun on the last day of our trip. We took the kids for their first visit to the beach. I did get into a bathing suit, but thankfully no one thought to take a picture of that sight.

Maddie didn't like that we kept forcing her into her hat.

Maddie liked the beach as long as we kept her far from the water and in our arms.

Calvin wasn't all that into the water either. The waves and such were scary for the little guy. He did have some fun outrunning the waves, but he wouldn't let them anywhere near him. The best part of the beach for Calvin was the sand. He dug, and built and had a great old time burrowing around. Goodtimes.

Friday, June 24, 2011

The Flash!

I was trying to take a picture of Calvin and he wouldn't stop moving. They all came out like this, but I thought it was a great demonstration of Calvin's boundless energy!


Calvin pulled out some popsicle freezing sticks and taught Maddie how to sword fight! They loved it.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Fun Times in Cali

We had some fun hanging out with the family when we visited last month. Calvin especially enjoyed his Grandpa at the park. Thanks for making it fun for us!

Traveling By Train

Just thought I would post some pictures of the train trip that the kids and I took to California about a month ago. We were going to say goodbye to Gommie. We rode out in Coach, but when we came back we got a sleeper. That was awesome! I would consider doing that for vacation in the future.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Games with friends

Today Zander and Aunya came over to play. Right away they got the controllers out and started playing Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - very old school style. It was fun to watch them playing the same game that Chris and I both remember from the pizza parlor arcades. Awesome!The boys were very engrossed in their game, the girls were just happy to have controllers! They weren't actually playing.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

SuperKids Preschool Graduation!

Super Calvin! What a cool kid!

Why did I stand to the side for these pictures? Oh well.

Calvin graduated from Preschool today (to another year of preschool) and we had a fun celebration for the kids at the park. The kids were so excited to get their SuperKid capes and certificates and they loved decorating graduation caps. The best part for me was watching a crowd of awesome kids race around the park in capes. Good times!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Want some?!

Car trips make for some awesome messes, but this red vines one was so cute!