I am writing this because my mom did not like that my last post was titled "Slacker" and then never updated. I need to explain that. My camera broke and I like to post around pictures. However, I should give an update on Project Simplify. I actually did not get into it as I had hoped because the projects were actually, with the exception of the first day, the things that I had been working on around the house. Who new they had such good taste?! So, I took some pictures of my horrendously messy closet and someday I will replace the camera and post pictures of my immaculate closet (it hasn't arrived yet.)
So, for my own version of Project Simplify I have chosen to make a larger effort to remove extraneous junk around the house and garage and further build, organize and create solutions for a better functioning home. That sounded kind of stupendous, huh? So, here is what that means. First, today we had a garage sale that really cleared the house out. Most of the leftovers went to charity or neighbors. The few other pieces will be sold in the classifieds. I used the money from the garage sale to purchase shelves for the garage. That is where I will be working next. The garage needs a mass reorganization and probably further purging. Yay next week! I think the shelves will largely do the trick, but I will probably have to put in some hanging devices for the strollers and so forth. Once the garage functions for us I will begin to move some of our supplies out there so that I can better utilize our indoor storage. Once things are located where I want them I plan to upgrade some of my systems inside. Since some of these things will cost money it will take a little bit of time and shopping.
That was probably not very exciting to read, but I am excited to say that after three years in this house things are coming together. I am excited for the day when it is just upkeep. Okay, so I like change too much to expect that time to come any soon!
Now, just because I love some good pics, I am posting some randomness from before the camera's fateful fall.