Friday, March 27, 2009

Caught in the act

Here we have the wild Calvin in his native environment. He is eating a nutritious blend of milk, thickening agents, sugar and chocolate, and making the distinctive eating patterns so typical for his species. See how he carefully removes the blend from its container and spreads it for more easy access. He places the eating stick in his mouth and carefully masticates, using mostly gum action because this creature has very few teeth. Ahh, the joys of digestion in the wild. It is especially wild when mom turns her back to load the dishwasher!
Well, until next time on wild kingdom ...


  1. That is to funny! He seriously is so cute!

  2. You are such a good mom! I would freak out at such a good/fun time eating! Ahhh! Even at the moment I'm thinking of all the cleanup involved (clothes, bath, table, floor, etc., etc., etc.) Good job Micki!
